1. CHILDCARE here and ready to go! Call 310-521-2538 and let us know how many children and their ages before Fri 2pm.
2. New men's and women's step study groups are forming and very near to a start date. So, sign up at the Welcome Table or CLICK HERE and submit online now! 3. If you'd like to serve in ANY capacity at CR; please see Trent, Mitzy, or Nate and let us know. We'll train you and get you set up! 4. Leaders meeting will be starting up Friday, Aug. 13th at 5:45pm in The Loft. We plan on having these every 2nd Friday of the month hereafter. So, make sure to put it in your calendar. 5. Next Landing Meeting is Friday, July 30th @ 6:30-8:30pm in room 180. Dinner will be provided. All 6th thru 12th grade welcome! 6. Trent will be sharing the topic lesson next week entitled Compulsive Disorders. Learn what Compulsive Disorders are and how to overcome them! 7. You are not required to wear a mask, but you can choose to wear one. Of course, if you have not been vaccinated, RHCC strongly suggests that you wear a mask. If you do not feel comfortable being around people without a mask, please consider staying home and watching our livestream. Comments are closed.