1. Women's Step Study forming soon (Tuesday mornings). If you're interested, talk to Mitzy or Patty and make sure you sign up for it by filling out a PINK card on the Welcome Table. Sign up online by CLICKING HERE.
2. Men's Step Study forming soon. Please fill out a BLUE card at Welcome Table and drop it into the black box to register. You can also sign up online by CLICKING HERE. 3. Advanced Sponsor Training next Friday, June 18th at 5:30pm. Bring some food and be on time to learn about "What to do when your sponsee talks about suicide". All CR leader's are encouraged to attend. 4. Mark your calendars to attend a Testimony Workshop, Sat., July 10th. Details coming soon. 5. We need to know every week by Thursday if you'll be needing child care for Friday Night CR. Please call 310-519-9406 and indicate how many children and their ages. We need this information in order to have the proper amount of coverage for your children. 6. Trent will be sharing about FOOD Hang-ups on June 18th. Comments are closed.