1. Testimony Writing Workshop, Sat., July 10th @ 9-11:30am, room 280. Sign up on the Welcome Table!
2. Please call 310-519-9406 if you need childcare by Friday @ 2pm. Let us know how many children and their ages. 3. Step Study sign-ups for men and women on the Welcome Table. Do it!!! 4. Solid Rock Cafe is back! Starting next week July 9th after Open Share Groups! We'll have water and snack for you. Coffee, tea, and other snacks will be served when we can find someone to take on that service roll. See Trent or Mitzy if you'd like to do that! 5. There will be an outreach event next week at Rolling Hills Covenant Church that may may parking a little difficult. Please feel free to use the lower lot if you need to. CLICK HERE to get info on the event. Comments are closed.