1. Exciting News!
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of several new Step Studies this month! These include a Spanish-speaking men’s and women’s study, as well as an English-speaking women’s study. If you’re currently on the waitlist, expect a call from your group leaders soon with all the details. 2. Testimony Writing Workshop Want to share your story? Join us for the Testimony Writing Workshop on Tuesday, February 11, from 6:30-8:30 PM in Room 175. We’ll guide you through writing your testimony and help you connect with others through your journey. Make sure you sign up on the sheet on the welcome table so Greg knows how many people to plan for. 3. Leader's Quarterly Meeting Calling all Step Study leaders, Open Share leaders, trainers, and TEAMOY! Join us for a leadership meeting on February 15. A light breakfast will be served. We’ll kick off at 8:30 AM. 4. Summit 2025 – Save the Date! Mark your calendars for Summit 2025--July 30 - August 1! Take advantage of early bird pricing, available until May 18, 2025.
1.We’re thrilled to announce the launch of several new Step Studies this month! These include a Spanish-speaking men's and women's study, as well as an English-speaking women’s study. If you’re currently on the waitlist, expect a call from the group leaders soon with all the details.
2. GriefShare will begin this Sunday at 11:00 AM in Room 175. If you’ve experienced a loss, this class is here to support you through your journey. 3. Join us on Friday, January 24, as Nichole and Cindy’s Step Study present their reports. Come out to support them, and feel free to invite a friend who could use some encouragement. We want to take a moment and wish everyone a very Happy New Year! “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.” – Numbers 6:24-25
1. Just a reminder, there is no childcare next Friday, December 27.
1. December 20 - Tamale Night & Cookie Exchange
Join us for a festive Tamale Dinner. Bring 2 dozen of your favorite cookies to share and exchange with others. Diner will be followed by a Christmas-themed message. It’s a great way to celebrate the season together! 2. There will be no childcare on Friday, December 27. 1. December 20 - Tamale Night & Cookie Exchange
Join us for a festive Tamale Dinner and bring your favorite cookies to share and exchange with others. It’s a great way to celebrate the season together! 2. Chips Update Please note: Chips will be delayed until next week since we’re meeting on the North Campus tonight. 1. We are working on forming new English and Epanish-speaking men's and women's step studies for the coming year. If you are interested in joining one, fill out a pink (women) or blue (men) card and place it in the prayer request box on the Welcome Table.
2. Next week CR will meet on the North Campus. 1. This Sunday at 5pm is our Volunteer Appreciation dinner. If you have not yet volunteered and would like to be of service, this will be a great night to serve. See Nichole tonight to sign up.
2. Parents, reminder, there will be no childcare next Friday, November 29. 3. We are working on forming new step studies for the coming year. If you are interested in joining one, fill out a pink (women) or blue (men) card and place it in the prayer request box on the Welcome Table. 1. Friendsgiving Potluck November 22 @5:30 in the 290's! Come celebrate an Early Thanksgiving meal with your forever family. Enjoy a special night of food and fellowship. Sign up on Sign up Genius or the welcome table.
2. Leaders, the CR volunteer appreciation dinner is only 9 days away. We hope you can all make out on Sunday, November 24th at 5pm. Don't forget to RSVP so we know how many people to plan for. 3. Parents, there will be no childcare on Friday, November 29. 4. Voyagers is in need of volunteers to help serve their Thanksgiving meal tomorrow, November 16, from 11am - 1:30pm. If you are available to help, please speak to Garret. |